“This story was initially published as part of the The International People’s Platform for Climate Justice project”
Makana, a word in Kichwa language that simultaneously means “to destroy” and “to resist”, invites us to urgently think about the possibility of destroying the capitalist practices that have led the world to experience enormous environmental impacts, to the point of breaking the natural cycles of life that have ended up causing climate change.
The Makana video series comprises nine videos of two minutes each (you can watch five of them below). They briefly present the story of women who fight for feminism and climate justice, expressing their concern for the future, putting at the centre the reproduction of life with dignity, conducting healing processes through permaculture, and women’s political organizing. This series also touches on important themes on generating decent jobs in the cities, supporting and spreading the good word of their work with the land, and enforcing the memory of their ancestors, leading people to fight for the land where their dead were buried.
Produced by the Critical Geography Collective, Ecuador within the context of the Not without us! Project.
Antonella Calle
Elvia Dagua
Ivonne Yánez
Alicia Cahuiya
Alexandra Narváez
We are infinitely grateful to Hueiya Alicia Cahuiya, vice president of the Waorani Women’s Association of Ecuador, AMWAE; Alexandra Narváez from the Cofán de Sinangoe Community; Elvia Dagua Director of Women of the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of the Amazon of Ecuador, CONFENIAE; Ivonne Yánez from Acción Ecológica; Antonella Calle from the urban collective Yasunidos. To all of them: thanks for sharing part of their many struggles, their daily life, and their strength.