To all human inhabitants of PachaMama Earth
What part of thou shalt not kill don’t you understand?
Is the “not” sounding like a knot?
Is language covering your ears from the truth that your heart speaks in loud waves?
Do you remember when you did your shoe laces for the first time?
Do you know how easy it can be undone?
When you walk barefooted on Earth, do you sense the wisdom of participant particles?
Do you feel gravity and the taste of rain drops washing your tongue and the scent of air caressing your lungs?
You can sense all and you well know that
The breath of life is everyone’s right!
Everyone is a messenger and a message simultaneously
Collaborating you are caring for the life of everyone, everywhere for the dead have done what they can and your feet is adding to humanity’s journey new steps
You know from the trees’ routes to the trees’ branches of the forest of your mind that
It is nice to be kind
In kinship all diverse life is weaving the story telling of love eternal infinite
Caring for all like a fine rite
Sounding like a lullaby of a New Era of Peace in sustainability so the children can sleep
Sharing the love and the energy for the resources of Earth are to be shared in equity with all life
For All is One
You know well
You are part of the totality of Being
This Earth-ship is the collective Ark you have dreamt
The embodiment of all complementarity life is the storytelling of interconnecting the core of each one with awesome betweenesses
All similarly unique creative omnitransceivers
All equally important in
Multicultural perspectives
All fine
All kind
You are
As all are
While alive
Life’s love embrace
Embodied with
Ever growing senses
Choose your words
Your silences
Your listenings
Your learnings
Your teachings
What stories the children will like to have as their future?
Is there a difference between you and them?
Is there a similarity?
Is there something loving?
Is there something new?
Are you alive while living?
Do you know?
Yes? No?
Marcia is an internationally awarded artist with solo exhibitions and performances in London, UK at Nolias Gallery, River Thames Visitor Centre. Group Shows at Espacio Gallery, Gabriel’s Gallery, 100 Years Gallery and in Lagos, Nigeria, The Philosopher’s Muse Contemporary African Art Show and in New Delhi, India at Gandhi Art Gallery, the Eye of God Show. Marcia is also the author of Stella Maris and co-author of Acorde, Multicultural Manifesto Movement Mundi I (Urucum) and Multicultural Manifesto Movement Mundi II (Peace), Aplausos na Varanda, Dias de Reclusão and Prece à Mãe Terra books. Member of the Academia Internacional de Literatura Brasileira.